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Changing installation parameters

Advanced users or system administrators may wish to change the default installation settings used during setup. The following table lists the parameters supported by the MSI installers and/or EmsisoftAntiMalwareWebSetup.exe, available on our Download and Installation guide.

Note: Parameters with a leading “/” control the installation process. Parameters without a leading “/” control the properties of the software product installation. Parameters are not case sensitive.


Parameter Description
General settings
InstallFolder Defines the program installation folder
E.g. InstallFolder=c:\eam
EnableBetaUpdates Switches Emsisoft Anti-Malware to the beta update feed after installation
E.g. EnableBetaUpdates=1
NoWarn Suppresses installation warnings
E.g. NoWarn=1
LicKey=<key> Suppresses all license related dialogs and applies the supplied key
E.g. LicKey=AAA-BBB-CCC-123
/InstallToken=<token> (Deprecated) Connect the software with a Management Console workspace via authentication token. See workspace policies for tokens.
Enterprise Console connection settings
CommService Installs the Emsisoft Communication service
E.g. CommService=1
CommHost Required Host name/IP for the communication service
E.g. CommHost=
CommPort Required Port for the communication service
E.g. CommPort=3128
AuthInfo Required filename (with optional path) with authentication parameters for the communication service
E.g. AuthInfo=auth.ini
UI Customization settings
disable-expiration-notifications Suppresses license expiration notifications
E.g. disable-expiration-notifications=1
hide-license-key Hides the license key from the license screen
E.g. hide-license-key=1
disable-purchase-buttons Hides purchase license buttons
E.g. disable-purchase-buttons=1
purchase-alt-message Defines an alternative license purchase text
E.g. purchase-alt-message=text
purchase-alt-url Defines an alternative licence purchase link
E.g. purchase-alt-url=
hide-news Hides the news section
E.g. hide-news=1
news-alt-message Defines an alternative news section text
E.g. news-alt-message=text
news-alt-url Defines an alternative news link
E.g. news-alt-url=
Installer settings
Enables MSI installer quiet mode. No error messages or installation progress will be shown. To be able to view errors, you could enable the file logging parameter (/L) Note: This parameter does not suppress errors and warnings for EmsisoftAntiMalwareWebSetup.exe.
E.g. /quiet
NoDesktop When installing via the system account and using the MSI installer, use “NoDesktop=1 /Quiet” to suppress all installation notifications, such as for a company-wide scripted install process. For the standard exe installer, use the syntax “NoDesktop /VerySilent” instead.
/Passive Suppresses errors and warnings for the MSI installer. Ignored by bootstrapper
E.g. /passive
/L Enables recording of the installation process. The following options are supported and may be supplied directly after the parameter, without delimiters.
E.g. /liwe c:\logs\file.log
i – include status messages
w – include non-fatal warnings
e – include all error messages
a – mention when an action is started
r – include action-specific records
u – include user requests
c – include the initial UI parameters
m – include out-of-memory or fatal exit information
o – include out-of-disk-space messages
p – include terminal properties
v – verbose output
x – include extra debugging information
+ – append to an existing log file
! – flush each line to the log
* – log all information, except for v and x options
Additional parameters in web installer
/ProxyServer The Web installer will use the specified proxy server host for downloading the MSI installer.
E.g. /ProxyServer=
/ProxyPort Sets the proxy server port
E.g. /ProxyPort=3128
/ProxyUsername Sets the proxy server user name
E.g. /ProxyUsername=JohnDoe
/ProxyPassword Sets the proxy server password
E.g. /ProxyPassword=MyPassword
/Dir Defines the program installation folder. Supported for compatibility with the older EmsisoftAntiMalwareSetup.exe
E.g. /Dir=c:\eam
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