Hit by ransomware?

We're here to fix that.

Use our free ransomware decryption tools to unlock your files without paying the ransom

Please note that these free tools are provided as-is and without warranty of any kind. The tools may only work with specific ransomware versions, and may not work with versions that were released after a tool was created. Technical support for the tools is available only to customers using a paid Emsisoft product.

[Dec, 28, 2021] - Version:

NoWay decryptor

NoWay encrypts victim's files and renames them to [base64].noway.

Below is an example ransom note:

All your files have been Encrypted with the AES-256 encryption algorithym
making your files inaccessible. I will show you how to get them back.

You have 72 hours starting from now to pay your ransom before your
private key is deleted from our servers permenantly, making your files
inaccessible forever, If you try to damage, remove or tamper with this
software in any way your  key will self destruct.

Instructions to recover your files :
1. Go to https://login.blockchain.com/#/signup or any website where you can buy bitcoin and set up a new wallet.
2. Purchase 250$ of bitcoins .
3. Send 250$ of bitcoins to the address : 3GfbwCbTJXFLmLBL8E59YJdhs9uftLfSM5
4. then send your transaction ID to : [email protected]
to get your decryption key for your files