Hit by ransomware?

We're here to fix that.

Use our free ransomware decryption tools to unlock your files without paying the ransom

Please note that these free tools are provided as-is and without warranty of any kind. The tools may only work with specific ransomware versions, and may not work with versions that were released after a tool was created. Technical support for the tools is available only to customers using a paid Emsisoft product.

[Oct, 30, 2019] - Version:

Paradise decryptor

The Paradise ransomware encrypts victims using Salsa20 and RSA-1024, and appends one of several extensions such as ".paradise", "2ksys19", ".p3rf0rm4", ".FC", ".CORP", and ".STUB"

An example ransom note "---==%$$$OPEN_ME_UP$$$==---.txt" can be found below.

        $$                                      $$                                        $$
        $$         ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╦╗╦╔╗╔═              $$     █████████████████████████████      $$
        $$         ║║╠╣╠╝╠╣║║║╚╗╠═              $$     █─█─███───███───███────████─█      $$
        $$         ╠╝║║╠╗║║╩╝╩╚╝╚═              $$     █─█─█████─█████─███─██─███──█      $$
        $$         ╔╗╔╗║║╔╗╔╗╔╦╗║╦║╔╗╔╗╔═       $$     █─█─███───███───███─██─████─█      $$
        $$         ╠╝╠╣╬║╚╗║║║║║║║║╠╣╠╝╠═       $$     █───█████─█████─███─██─████─█      $$
        $$         ╠╗║║║╬╚╝╚╝║║║╚╩╝║║╠╗╚═       $$     ██─██─█───█─█───█─█────█─██─█      $$
        $$                                      $$     █████████████████████████████      $$
        $$                                      $$                                        $$

Your important files produced on this computer have been encrypted due a security problem.
If you want to restore then write to the online chat.

Online chat: http://prt-recovery.support/chat/6-Support
Your operator: Support
Your personal ID: [redacted]

Enter your ID and e-mail in the chat that you would immediately answered.

Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Do not attempt to use the antivirus or uninstall the program.
This will lead to your data loss and unrecoverable.
Decoders of other users is not suitable to decrypt your files - encryption key is unique.