Yet another seal: Emsisoft Anti-Malware now AV-TEST CERTIFIED

At Emsisoft, we are proud. About our products, our approach and our results. This week, we got a yet another award to prove our quality. The team at Emsisoft is excited that Emsisoft Anti-Malware got certified with the AV-Test Certified award. Following the Emsisoft product participation in AV-Test main test series in 2016 Emsisoft is now participating in the top three major antivirus testing labs: AV-Test, AV-Comparatives and VirusBulletin VB100.
AV-Test certified: The best antivirus software for Windows Home User
In January and February 2016, AV-Test continuously evaluated 22 home user security products using their default settings. With a focus on realistic test scenarios to challenge the products against real-world threats, Emsisoft Anti-Malware had to demonstrate its capability using all components and protection layers. The first test of Emsisoft Anti Malware instantly earned the AV-Test Certified award with the maximum scores in Detection and Usability. This seal of approval provides evidence that the tested product has achieved all of the levels of performance required and defined by AV-TEST.
Emsisoft Endpoint Protection: Award-Winning Security Made Simple
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We are thrilled about this additional award. AV-Test is a highly recognised award within the industry and we’re delighted our product tested so well. With a maximum score in Detection and a maximum score in Usability we now have space to improve the Performance category. Our developers are confident the next test will be even better – for your convenience!